Discover Who You Truly Are
An International Certified Life-Transformation, Self-Realization & Success-In-Life Program
(Non-Religious & Universal)
Your life transformational journey towards self discovery, self mastery, personal empowerment and success in life.
Appropriate for anyone & everyone from all backgrounds, religions, races, faiths & walks of life.
Designed & Conducted by Master Umesh H. Nandwani
DO YOU KNOW WHO and WHAT YOU ARE actually, besides just a human being in human body and mind? Have you ever experienced and felt your true self - the soul within you? Do you know how that feels and all its benefits / miracles? Why are you on Planet Earth (Gaia) this lifetime and what is your purpose here? Are you aware of the evolution happening at this present time to Earth and humanity? Why does time seem to fly so fast, yet our clocks and watches seem to be ticking away as per normal? Have you realized your own personal self-powers and potentials lying untapped deep within you ~ waiting to be discovered? How can you further improve/increase in all levels of your life ~ health, wealth, career, relationships, happiness, love, prosperity, clarity, inner-peace, security, bliss, healing, freedom, positivity and lots more? How to drastically or completely stop many of your sufferings, pains, fears, doubts, anxieties, worries, stress, loneliness, confusion, procrastination, depression, loss of focus, negativity...?
COME LEARN, EXPERIENCE AND EMPOWER yourself with this sacred ancient knowledge, techniques and skills known only to a very limited number of humans today, to become even more skillful, positive, joyful, happy, healthy and wealthy in life.
These energetic, comprehensive, knowledgeable (easy-to-understand, follow and do) practical Workshops have been designed to empower you with more self-awareness, higher self-realization, enlightenment and acquirement of miracles and successes in any of yours chosen areas of your life.
Learn about life's and Universal higher-truths, esoteric and metaphysical learnings. Discover and experience how you can tap into and “Awaken ~ The Divine You” - The God / Goddess-Self you are ~ in your personal and very own positive strength, the DIVINE-SELF power source within you, like never before! Become a powerful positive MAGNET to attract all positive abundance, all you ever want in life and deserve. Also how to protect / shield yourself, your loved ones, your environment (home, office & other spaces) against any negative or psychic attacks; how to cleanse toxins / blockages preventing you from attaining what you desire and move forward smoother, clearer and happier in life. How to heal yourself and others using the ever-flowing Universal Divine Healing Energy available to all.
Today, as millions of people in the world strive for higher experience, enhance your life and experience the natural quantum shift of consciousness that comes from the true connection with the Divine Source, enabling you to become more balanced mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially.
Become a Master of your own Precious Life by participating in these proven and guaranteed transformational Workshops (see testimonials) and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
As the saying goes... “the temple, church and mosque, etc., are ALL WITHIN YOU”; so let the “ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS” be revealed and re-discover WHO YOU TRULY ARE, Your Ultimate Life Purpose(s); gain the skills and knowledge required to fulfill it/them and celebrate your true spiritual, DIVINE-SELF being – by “AWAKENING ~ THE DIVINE YOU”!!! Why go searching for answers when these gifts are within you?!!!
We invite you to become a part of the Universal Consciousness of Love, Light and Healing, where everyone, yes - everyone, is truly loved, respected and recognized as ONE HUMAN race and consciousness; no matter who you are and what you are; enjoy lots of more positivity and abundance we all deserve and life and universe has to offer.
Disclaimer & Self Responsibility
Alternative therapy provides a form of healing that is holistic and does not replace any treatment or medication(s) you may be receiving. Alternative therapy takes into account the emotional, mental and spiritual needs, including those of the physical body. Thus, it may or may not provide the results you expect. This is one form of increasing and helping your well-being. Please continue with the treatment(s) and medication(s) you are undergoing. The Golden Space ® & or ShivShakti Healing & Consultancy will not be responsible or held liable for the choices you make.
•Courses can be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances or not meeting the minimum number of participants per course. Participant will be notified at earliest possible chance (if any).
•Results from courses can vary case by case, depending on the students performance during courses: commitment, readiness and timing at every level of the courses.